
DeSantis Floats Complete Abolition of IRS

1 min read
[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

In Iowa, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) advocated for the elimination of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) during a CNN town hall as he delivered his concluding remarks to Eagle State electors.

DeSantis declared, “I want to eliminate the IRS, and I would like a flat — one single-rate flat tax.”

Subsequently, he elaborated on the accomplishments of Florida in terms of tax reduction and budget surplus maintenance, which were utilized to service prior debt.

It is noteworthy that Iowa is currently undergoing a transition from a nine-tier progressive system to a flat 3.9 percent income tax, which may partly explain DeSantis’s decision to focus on the issue.

According to the most recent polling averages, DeSantis remains significantly behind former President Trump in the state as the caucus date rapidly approaches.

[READ MORE: Christie Claims Both DeSantis and Haley Qualified to be President]

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