
DeSantis Claims Colorado Supreme Court Decision Helps Trump in GOP Primary

1 min read
[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

According to the governor, the Biden administration just dealt one of the most significant blows to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ 2024 candidacy.

DeSantis stated on Thursday on the Christian Broadcasting Network that the indictments against former President Donald Trump are the one thing he wishes he had done differently while campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination.

Asserting that the charge-filing decision by Biden’s Justice Department against Trump in two criminal cases “distorted the primary,” DeSantis claimed that it aided his Republican opponent and diverted attention from other issues in the race.

Prior to the highly anticipated inauguration of his campaign, DeSantis was hailed as the most probable Republican candidate to defeat Trump in the primaries.

DeSantis, who had recently won re-election by an overwhelming margin and made a name for himself in the process of managing the COVID-19 pandemic, was well positioned to be a formidable contender when he declared his candidacy in May.

Wben asked if he had any regrets about running for President DeSantis remarked that “I would say if I could have one thing change, I wish Trump hadn’t been indicted on any of this stuff.”

[READ MORE: DeSantis Campaign Hit With Complaint From Watchdog Group]

1 Comment

  1. Yep, and that’s why the Swamp keeps the pressure on Trump, to herd the masses to Trump’s defense. Then Biden will step aside and a new face (Granholm, Moochelle, etc.) will step in and claim.

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