
DeSantis Announces He’ll Order Military to Target and Kill Mexican Cartel Members Trying to Cross Border

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Staff Sgt. Clay Lancaster ]

In a new interview this week, Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis reportedly stated that if he is elected as the next President of the United States, he will order the military to execute cartel operatives attempting to breach the southern border wall.

DeSantis’s remarks, which were made during an interview with CBS News presenter Norah O’Donnell on “CBS Evening News,” follow his statement at the first Republican Party presidential primary debate that he would dispatch U.S. special forces into Mexico to eliminate the cartels.

“We are going to lean in and we are going to defend our country,” DeSantis said.

DeSantis stated that the military will be authorized to use lethal force when cartel operatives are observed attempting to demolish sections of the border wall.

“If there’s a woman with a baby, they’re not a cartel member, there’s not going to be authorization to just shoot somebody like that. But when somebody’s got a backpack on and they’re in there breaking through the wall, you know, that’s hostile intent, and you have every right to take action under those circumstances.” he stated.

DeSantis stated that protocols must be established in order to determine the norms of engagement for when the military may use force.

DeSantis stated that it would likely only take a couple of instances for the cartels to be compelled to alter their strategy.

“The reality is, they are overrunning our border, they’re sex trafficking, they’re human trafficking and they’re bringing in massive quantities of drugs. I mean, our country is being invaded and hurt by what they’re doing. And the question is, do we just throw up our hands? And do we say there’s nothing we can do about it? Or does the leader take action? Because I’ll tell you this, I’m going to have the military at the border, 100%. I mean, if they’re trying to break through the wall, we will have deadly force authorized to be able to stop that.” he concluded.

[READ MORE: DeSantis Meets With Families of 9/11 Victims at Ground Zero While Demanding Accountability for Infamous Day]

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