
DeSantis Says ‘Spiritual’ Renewal Key to Saving America from Disaster

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Matt Johnson from Omaha, Nebraska, United States - IMG_3131, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=118460119]

Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida and Republican presidential contender, reportedly stated in an interview this week that individuals returning to their faith will be a crucial part of turning America around.

“It’s got to be spiritual. And I think it’s got to be a strong faith, that is really going to get us through very turbulent times.” DeSantis said.

DeSantis made the comments while speaking about a variety of religious-related topics in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN).

“I always believed that it doesn’t matter where you start. If you put that nose to the grindstone and work hard, God has a plan for you and you can do well in this country.” he said.

DeSantis claimed that his Catholic faith has helped to keep him grounded and that he prioritizes practicing his beliefs rather than only professing it.

“Our household is a Christ-centered household. We’re raising our kids with those values. We think that that’s very important. … It’s great for us when our kids are coming back from preschool or kindergarten, talking about David and Goliath and we’re like, thank you. So we’re very, very appreciative of being able to do that… My son, he was four for Christmas this year, he wanted a sling to be like David slaying Goliath, and so that really warms our hearts when we see that.” DeSantis said.

“I mean, that’s ultimately what the faith centers around. Yes, there’s a lot of traditions and I think a lot of those are nice, but at the end of the day, where is your heart with respect to God and what is that relationship?” DeSantis continued.

During the discussion, DeSantis criticized former President Donald Trump for opposing Florida’s heartbeat law.

“While I appreciate what the former president has done in a variety of realms, he opposes that bill. He said it was ‘harsh’ to protect an unborn child when there’s a detectable heartbeat. I think that’s humane to do.” DeSantis remarked

“I mean, I was really surprised because he’s a Florida resident and I thought he would compliment the fact that we were able to do the heartbeat bill, which pro-lifers have wanted for a long time. He never complimented, never said anything about it. Then he was asked about it and he said it was ‘harsh.’” he concluded.

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