
New Poll Shows DeSantis Gaining Majorly on Trump in Iowa

1 min read
[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

According to an internal survey released this week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is reportedly quickly catching up to former President Donald Trump in the early and crucial primary state of Iowa.

The head-to-head survey conducted by WPA Intelligence for the DeSantis-supporting Never Back Down super PAC found that the 44-year-old governor and the 76-year-old Trump were virtually tied.

Trump received 45% of the vote, while DeSantis received 43% and 12% were uncertain.

Before the Florida governor officially entered the campaign, a head-to-head survey conducted in early May found that Trump had 53% support, DeSantis had 39%, and 8% were unsure.

A study conducted in Iowa that included all candidates showed that DeSantis had gained ground on Trump.

In that survey, Trump received 39% of the vote, DeSantis 29%, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) 7%, and former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley 6%.

Mike Pence, a former vice president, and IT entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy both received 4% of the vote, while none of the other candidates received more than 1%.

Early in May, the same poll revealed that Trump had 48% support, DeSantis had 24%, and Haley had 10%, with no other contender receiving more than 10% of the vote.

According to the study, DeSantis was seen favorably by 73% of prospective Iowa GOP caucus attendees, while only 17% had a negative opinion of him.

The governor scored 69% favorably among Iowans without a college degree, compared to 80% and 79% favorably among men and women who had at least a bachelor’s degree.

[READ MORE: Newsom Threatens DeSantis With ‘Kidnapping’ Charges Over Migrant Flights]

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