
REPORT: Chris Christie Trying to Topple DeSantis as Main Trump Challenger

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Alex Hanson from Ames, Iowa - Chris Christie in Ames - 1/16/2016, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=54182697]

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has now reportedly announced a new political goal for himself. However, for perhaps the first time in his life, it appears his appetite may indeed be bigger than his stomach.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is now the target of a barrage of criticism from the budding Republican presidential field, with former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) attempting to end his bid before it ever gets off the ground.

Prior to the highly anticipated beginning of his campaign this spring, Christie, who is openly considering a 2024 run despite finishing well behind the pack in the most recent competitive Republican cycle, is now trying to claim that DeSantis may be losing momentum, in spite of the fact that he hasn’t yet officially entered the race.

After an already challenging week for DeSantis, Christie has tried to pounce on the Florida governor over his continuing spat with Disney and some of his words regarding the president-elect.

Christie and DeSantis have not publicly announced their campaign for 2024 yet. Christie, meanwhile, is still very much focused on his time campaigning for president in 2016 as he considers the GOP race today.

Some republicans criticized Christie’s strategy.

“This feels like a bit of a 2016 redux where candidates … did not go after the poll-sitter in an effort to move him to second place. Seems to me as though … if Trump is the prohibitive favorite at this point, you have to go after Trump, not the guy in second place.” GOP strategist Brian Seitchik said.

[READ MORE: DeSantis Headed to Israel on New Trip Before Widely Expected Presidential Announcement]


  1. How Christie thinks he has a chance in hell of becoming the Republican presidential candidate is simply insane. He has zero clout among anyone!

  2. If Christie even remotely comes close to DeSantis or Donald Trump, in a primary, you better ask who is supporting him. Christie is the liberals pick for a GOP candidate. Soros will pump money backing Christie to pull votes away.

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