
DeSantis Shreds Biden for Enabling Border Invasion

2 mins read
[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Ron DeSantis, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=121859446]

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida declared on Friday that he is deploying additional personnel to Texas in an effort to aid the state in combating the border crisis instigated by President Joe Biden.

76 Florida Highway Patrol officers and 50 National Guardsmen are promptly deploying to the southern border, the governor announced at a press conference.

“This is part of a years-long effort for us to help do what the federal government has refused to do, which is to actually defend this country’s borders. You’ve seen numbers that have been astronomical over these last three years. I know that what’s been happening in Texas has been effective. You’ve seen the numbers go down, and that’s really because you have Texas putting forth huge effort, and then all these other states coming by to help. So, so we want to be a part of that. We think this is an American issue, partially just because we should have a secure country. And then partially the effects of this border invasion go to all 50 states.” DeSantis said.

“I think the chances are that there’s some bad intentions there for some of these people. And it’s a huge, huge problem, especially when you look at all the problem countries in this world have had people come through the southern border.” he continued.

DeSantis drew attention to the concerning quantity of Chinese nationals and military-aged males from adversarial nations in the Middle East and North Africa that have been encountered at the southern border in recent times.

He expressed his conviction that a terrorist attack will ultimately transpire within the United States, attributing it to Biden’s porous border.

“The federal government is funding that, a hundred percent they are, and it’s wrong. Our grand jury that we did, for the immigration, which we did in Northwest Florida, one of their reports talked about the role that these NGOs do. These NGOs make a fortune because of illegal immigration. They bring people in, the federal government gives them money.” DeSantis remarked.

DeSantis further criticized the Biden administration for its support of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that exacerbate the crisis of irregular immigration.

“What we did in Florida is we took action regarding their ability to interact with the state. The problem is they have this money coming from the feds. But I think you look at it, it’s not just like, ‘Oh, someone shows up and these [NGOs] are offering charity.’ They are intricately involved in orchestrating movements of people from foreign countries into this country illegally. That’s what those NGOs are doing. And I think they should be held accountable for that.” he continued.

“I definitely don’t think the federal government should take your tax dollars and fund that because they’re basically subsidizing the border invasion because folks know they’re coming and they’re going to be able to have this landing spot with these groups,” DeSantis added.

“So our grand jury looked at it. There may be more that comes of that. There may be things we do in the future legislatively to be able to hold them accountable. But they, they have exercised absolutely a negative influence on this. They have facilitated more illegal immigration. They have not worked to combat illegal immigration at all. And there’s a variety of these NGOs, and this has become, like, a major cottage industry where there’s a lot of money at stake for this. And what you want, I mean, the bare minimum, what you want to do is you have laws, you don’t want to incentivize people to break laws.” he concluded.


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