
DeSantis Moves to Block Plan to Use State Funds To Pay Trump’s Legal Bills

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Ron DeSantis, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=143811456]

One day subsequent to the termination of his presidential campaign and after his endorsement of Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis reportedly scuttled an endeavor to utilize state funds in order to reimburse the former president for his legal fees.

DeSantis made a commitment to veto a measure introduced by Republican state senator Ileana Garcia, which aimed to allocate a maximum of $5 million from the state budget of Florida to assist Trump in financing his legal expenses.

Several different jurisdictions have filed 91 criminal complaints and other lawsuits against the former president.

Garcia’s proposal had received the support of Jimmy Patronis, a Republican elected official tasked with the oversight of Florida’s state finances.

However, Garcia retracted her offer shortly after DeSantis voiced her opposition to it.

DeSantis terminated his presidential campaign on Sunday, following a disappointing second-place finish to Trump in the Iowa caucuses.

According to polls, DeSantis was projected to finish third overall in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary.

The criminal charges against Trump revolve around his alleged efforts to coercely reverse his 2020 loss to Joe Biden and his purported retention of classified government information subsequent to his departure from office.

[READ MORE: DeSantis’s Decision to Drop Out and Back Trump Widely Praised by Conservatives]

1 Comment

  1. What a nice idea! I’m sure Trump puts plenty of money into Florida with taxes. Glad DeSantis move on from his delusional ambition to beat Trump in a Presidential run. Trump being 77 could out run DeSantis any day of the week! I’m glad he will not be a President cause he sound like he can be a lump of do-do.

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