DeSantis Slams Biden, Trump, Claims They are Both Too Old for the White House

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By The White House - P20220917AS-0091, Public Domain,]

Once more, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis cited the advanced age of former President Trump and President Biden as grounds for their non-re-election in 2024.

Age has emerged as a pivotal factor in the 2024 presidential election, although voters have been considerably more inclined to perceive Biden, 80, as being beyond his working years in comparison to Trump, 77.

“So, I’ve said publicly, the presidency is not a job for an 80-year-old, that Donald Trump would actually be older on January 20, 2025, than Biden was on January 20, 2021,” DeSantis said during a recent appearance on CNN.

“But, I think it’s part of a larger issue that this is not the same guy as the Trump in 2015 and [20]16, that Trump would show up on the debate stage, he’d barnstorm. Yes, he was off-color, he was edgy, but it was all part of an idea that he was really gonna shake things up,” he continued.

A poll conducted by Monmouth University last month found that 76% of voters agreed that Biden was too elderly to serve another term, while only 48% said the same about Trump.

In the event of re-election, Biden would complete his second term at the age of 86, whereas Trump would be 82.

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