
DeSantis Takes New Shot at Trump, Warns Voters That he Will Sell Them Out

1 min read
[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

Republican presidential candidate and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has now warned pro-life Americans that former President Trump will “sell you out” in response to the current GOP frontrunner’s recent criticism of six-week abortion prohibitions.

DeSantis criticized Trump’s pledge to broker a compromise between Democrats and Republicans on the optimal number of weeks into pregnancy for restricting abortion, even though he claimed credit for Trump’s achievements on court nominations, the Abraham Accords, deregulation, and other issues.

“Anytime he did a deal with Democrats, whether it was on budget, whether it was on the criminal justice ‘First Step Act,’ they ended up taking him to the cleaners, and so, I think if he’s going into this thing, he’s gonna make the Democrats happy with respect to the right to life. I think all pro-lifers should know that he’s preparing to sell you out,” DeSantis remarked.

“Protecting babies with heartbeats is not terrible. Donald Trump may think it’s terrible. I think protecting babies with heartbeats is noble and just, and I’m proud to have signed the heartbeat bill in Florida, and I know Iowa has similar legislation,” he continued.

DeSantis is running for president of the United States.

According to Trump, DeSantis’ decision to sign a ban on abortions after six weeks was “a terrible thing and a terrible mistake,” as he told NBC’s Kristen Walker.

While Florida state law currently forbids the majority of abortions after 15 weeks, DeSantis signed the Heartbeat Protection Act in April, which aims to limit abortions after six weeks gestation, with exceptions for women who have been raped, engaged in incest, or are victims of human trafficking, or whose unborn child has been diagnosed with a fatal fetal abnormality.

[READ MORE: DeSantis Announces he Will Sign Landmark 15 Week Abortion Ban as President]

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