
DeSantis Blasts Media, Biden Administration for Horrific Maui Disaster

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Ron DeSantis, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=121859500]

The Biden administration and the mainstream media have reportedly come under fire from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for mostly ignoring the horrific fire that destroyed a historic Hawaiian community.

DeSantis made the comments while discussing his state’s recovery efforts from Hurricane Idalia during a press conference on Sunday.

“I think that Maui is a total catastrophe, what happened there. And I don’t think we have all the answers to that. I think we should have all the answers to that. It’s interesting how incurious our corporate media is about what happened in Maui. I mean, I don’t see them interviewing parents who can’t find their kids and people we know, there’s a lot of people missing. So that was a total disaster, really, really heartbreaking to hear some of the stories, even though they’re not being publicized.” DeSantis remarked.

“And really what the federal government’s role is, is just turning on programs that Congress has enacted over many, many years. And so it’s basically serving as a checkbook to get people reimbursed for debris cleanup, to give people individual assistance. And so in that sense, I think that that has been turned on, I anticipate that that will go smoothly. But most of the nuts and bolts is done by our local communities, and by the state of Florida. And that’s really how it should be, disaster response is really bottom up.” he continued

The governor claimed that Florida, particularly under his government, thoroughly prepares for these types of occurrences in advance, which is one major reason why the scenario in Maui and the Hurricane in Florida were different.

DeSantis claimed that because Florida is so well-organized, local governments sometimes play an even more significant role than the state government in informing homeowners that their properties might be in the line of an approaching storm surge.

[READ MORE: DeSantis Shreds Climate Change Fanatics in Wake of Hurricane Damage]

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