
Trump’s Former Attorney General Claims he is ‘Toast’ if ‘Even Half’ of Indictment’s Allegations are True

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By The United States Department of Justice - https://www.justice.gov/opa/gallery/chinese-military-personnel-charged-computer-fraud-economic-espionage-and-wire-fraud, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=88213587]

Bill Barr, the attorney general for former President Donald Trump, reportedly thinks his former employer is in very serious trouble if “even half” of the allegations included in the 37-count federal indictment against him are accurate.

“If even half of it is true, he is toast. I mean, it’s a very detailed indictment, and it’s very, very damning.” he said.

Barr mentioned and agreed with Andy McCarthy’s estimate of the former president’s legal risk in a startling study of the subject on Fox News Sunday.

The former attorney general continued by disputing Trump’s assertions that he is the target of persecution.

“This idea of presenting Trump as a victim here or a victim of a witch hunt is ridiculous. Yes, he’s been a victim in the past. His adversaries have obsessively pursued him with phony claims. And I’ve been at his side defending against them when he is a victim. But this is much different. He’s not a victim here. He was totally wrong that he had the right to have those documents. Those documents are among the most sensitive secrets that the country has. They have to be in the custody of the archivist. He had no right to maintain them and retain them.” Barr said.

[READ MORE: Trump Appears to Claim That FBI Staged Photos of Boxes of Classified Docs]

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