
New Poll Shows Trump and ‘MAGA’ Movement Extremely Unpopular

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Vox España - CPAC 2022 con Hermann Tertsch y Victor Gonzalez., CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=116136062]

A new national survey reportedly found that both President Donald Trump and the ‘MAGA’ movement he built around him are strongly disliked by a vast majority of the country.

The least favored person or organization in the recent study was the Make America Great Again, or “MAGA,” movement, which gets its name from Trump’s initial campaign slogan.

Only 24% of Americans say they are in favor of the movement, while 45% are against it.

These figures were released at the same time that President Joseph Biden made Trump and his movement the focal point of his reelection campaign launch video on Tuesday.

Only a slim majority of Republicans, or 52%, and 53% of self-described conservatives, think favorably of the MAGA movement.

Just 12% of independents gave the movement a negative rating, and 45% of them said they had negative views of it.

Only a small number of political and demographic groups gave the movement net-positive reviews, with support coming from Republican base members like white, less educated, and rural Americans.

Only one-third of rural Americans expressed positive views of the movement.

White Americans gave the movement the highest grade of any racial category (29% favorable), giving it their support.

The opinions of men over 50 were evenly split, with 36% of them being favorable and 37% being unfavorable.

Additionally, 58% of people who have only completed high school and those who attended technical or vocational schools think favorably of the movement.

[READ MORE: Fmr Trump Official Points Out Big Advantage DeSantis has Over His Former Boss]


  1. where do you people get your information? You are reporting complete crap. Your intelligence does not cut it by far.
    Stick with the truth, because the truth will set you free.
    Trump is way ahead of everybody!!!

  2. What is unfavorable about a secure border, low crime, low inflation, energy indepance, and no war???? And keeping men out of women’s sports. Forget his personality, look at his policy and accomplishments !!!

    • People don’t understand that Trump is not who we need. We on the right have much better choices than him. I think we have great candidates that will and can beat Biden.

  3. You people lie better than a rug. Trump is more popular than a yr ago. Just like you want people to believe Biden is so well liked. You think if you repeat a lie often enough we will finally believe it. Well guess what it’s not working. Our eyes are wide open &, we see how evil you all are. The one thing we know for sure is on judgement day you all will be sent straight too He’ll. Thank the good Lord for that

  4. Enough already! We must elect a true conservative leader in 2024. If the conservatives beat each other to death we will get the 2nd iteration of a disastrous Biden regime.
    Follow the rule of the greatest leader in recent history, Ronald Reagan, and don’t speak unkindly of your fellow conservatives! We must save our beloved Country in 2024.

  5. Too big a falsehood to hide with a little mathmatical hocus-pocus. Maybe you should change the site name for deeper cover. Shame on you for tryi ng to fool America.

  6. Agree. I like Governor Desantis. But put me in with Trump and MAGA. I can promise you the movement is stronger now than ever.

  7. I call bulldak on your “poll.” Polls are easily manipulated. You know, like they were manipulated in 2016 to “prove” that Hillary was going to be our next President. Trump is more popular than ever, and barring him getting Epsteined, he’ll be our next President..

  8. This story doesn’t say who conducted the survey or study, but links to a poll by NBC News stating quite the opposite and doesn’t even mention Make America Great again, or “MAGA”. It also doesn’t state who wrote this story, so apparently there is no one to be held accountable for the lies in it. If this is from the DeSantis campaign, presented as a legitimate news story, I certainly am not impressed and my opinion of him has been significantly lessened.

  9. This story doesn’t say who conducted the survey or study, but links to a poll by NBC News stating quite the opposite and doesn’t even mention Make America Great again, or “MAGA”. It also doesn’t state who wrote this story, so apparently there is no one to be held accountable for the lies in it.

  10. Seriously? You use an NBC poll to support DeSantis and you misquote it at that? That poll had a 6% (5.99) margin of error; it’s a garbage poll. Only the Left calls the majority stupid while engaging in doublespeak. White, non-college-educated, rural living populations are not stupid, they know what you are doing. With support like this, DeSantis should not worry about those who oppose him–he’d better be looking at his so-called team.

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