
Drug Dealer Released by Trump Charged With Assaulting Teen

1 min read
[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

A criminal who was released on parole as a result of the extensive criminal justice reforms implemented under former President Donald Trump is now facing charges of first-degree assault against an adolescent.

Prosecutors announced on Wednesday that William Dredden and his wife, Tiffany Harrison, were indicted in relation to their alleged participation in the assault that occurred outside a high school in Baltimore.

On October 27, the couple allegedly accompanied their 15-year-old son to Carver Vocational Technical High School, where he allegedly participated in an altercation with another adolescent that culminated in their son administering a pistol lash to the victim.

Dredden and Harrison are each charged with 15 offenses, including heedless endangerment, first-degree assault, and use of a firearm in the commission of a violent crime.

According to available records, fourteen months prior to the October incident, Dredden had petitioned for early release from a federal prison under the First Step Act, the most consequential criminal justice reform legislation enacted in nearly a decade.

It was enacted into law by Trump in December 2018.

Despite campaigning as a “tough on crime” candidate during his 2016 presidential election, Trump eventually endorsed the First Step Act due to the persuasive efforts of his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner.

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