
New Poll Shows Kamala Harris Beating Trump By Four in Key Maine District

1 min read
[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

According to a recent poll, Vice President Harris is currently leading former President Trump by five points in a Maine congressional district that has the potential to provide a critical electoral vote in November.

This finding contradicts the majority of similar polls for the same district.

The University of New Hampshire Survey Center’s survey, which was released on Wednesday, indicated that Harris was ahead of Trump in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District by 5 points, with a 49 percent to 44 percent margin.

The advantage is less substantial than her lead in the entire state, but it is significant due to the manner in which Maine allocates its electoral votes.

Maine is one of two states, the other being Nebraska, that allocates its electoral votes based on the victor of each of its congressional districts.

Two votes are awarded to the victor of the state as a whole, and one vote is awarded to the winner of each of the two districts.

The 1st Congressional District and the state as a whole are more comfortably Democratic, but the 2nd District is up for grabs and voted for Trump in both 2016 and 2020, after having voted for former President Obama in 2008 and 2012.

The district, which only provides one vote, could be crucial in the anticipated razor-thin margin that will determine the victor.

The poll’s outcome represents an improvement for Harris in comparison to the center’s poll from the previous month, which indicated that Trump was leading by four points.

However, Harris remains the underdog in the race to secure the district’s vote.

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