New Poll Shows Majority of Voters Don’t Believe Biden Should be Running

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Office of President Joe Biden - [1], Public Domain,]

Voters in the country frequently expressed worries about President Biden’s cognitive fitness to serve for months prior to the first debate.

However, these skepticisms have  increased even more now, reaching around 75% of voters and many within his own party according to a new CBS news poll.

Furthermore, a growing number of voters—including many Democrats—believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be running for president at all in the wake of his discussion with former President Trump.

Almost 50% of his own party does not believe he should serve as the Democratic nominee for president.

The movement was made by all political parties, however among Democrats and independents, it was double digits.

In light of this, almost three out of four people today believe that Mr. Biden shouldn’t have entered the presidential race in the first place.

Comparing that sentiment to February, when only two-thirds said he shouldn’t run, the percentage has increased significantly.

In addition the debate seems to have brought the presidential contest to the forefront of people’s minds.

Just a few days ago, 48% of registered voters said they were thinking a lot about the presidential campaign.

Today, 59% of them say they are. Republicans and Democrats alike are becoming more interested.

The majority of those who believe he shouldn’t run cite his age as well as his effectiveness in both campaigning and holding government.

[READ MORE: Trump Predicts Whether or Not Biden Will Stay in the Race]

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