DeSantis Raises Major Alarm After Report Suggests Biden Too Feeble Minded to be President

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Office of President Joe Biden - [1], Public Domain,]

On Saturday, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis raised the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment against President Biden and questioned the Democrat’s ability to manage the nuclear football responsibly in the wake of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s doubts regarding his fitness to stand trial.

A military subordinate has consistently accompanied the commander-in-chief with a secured briefcase containing nuclear launch options and site locations, starting from the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower.

“I think that that is something that – OK, you can’t stand trial, but somehow you can have the nuclear codes?” DeSantis said during a conversation with host Mark Levin.

“What about invoking the 25th Amendment then, if that’s what it’s going to be?” DeSantis asked.

DeSantis stated that the report demonstrated Biden’s propensity for improperly retaining documents during his entire term in office and implied that his transgressions were more severe than those of Hillary Clinton, who was not prosecuted either.

“[Clinton] was willing to risk exposure … by having this private server [but] Biden, I think, was even more willful because he was doing this [as] a pattern of practice,” he continued.

The governor argued that Biden intentionally retained classified information for decades, whereas Clinton merely utilized a server in her Westchester County, New York mansion to shield her governmental communications from FOIA and other requirements, regardless of whether the information contained within was classified or not.

“So clearly, they had the goods if they wanted to go forward and recommend [charges]. [He’s n]ow, of course, a sitting president; that’s a separate issue,” DeSantis remarked.

“But they’re hanging their hat on the fact that this guy is effectively not mentally competent to stand trial – How pathetic is it for our country that this is the guy that has the nuclear codes?” he concluded.

[READ MORE: Federal Judge Rules in Favor of DeSantis in Challenge to Election Law]

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