
DeSantis Expresses Doubts That Second Trump Term Would be Any Different Than First

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Office of Governor Ron DeSantis - https://twitter.com/govrondesantis/status/1576712435121393664?s=46&t=sjwBFXbRkI4ubUMytM74cQ, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=123835112]

Ron DeSantis, the 2024 presidential candidate and governor of Florida, has cast doubt on the notion that a re-elected Donald Trump would administer the presidency differently.

“And so I understand there’s a narrative saying he’s going to be much different this next term, but I look back — you know, ‘what didn’t he do?’ He didn’t move forcefully to build the border wall. That languished for years. He didn’t fire people like Anthony Fauci from the COVID task force when many conservatives, including me in Florida, were saying they needed to go in a different direction.” DeSantis said during a recent media appearance.

“So I think what is being said would be him acting in ways that actually were not how he acted before. He deferred a lot of his presidency to some of these people that he now criticizes.” he continued.

In the Republican Party’s 2024 primary contest, DeSantis is vying for the nomination against Trump and other contenders.

He was informed that certain individuals consider a re-election to Trump as president to be “a threat to democracy,” and subsequently queried regarding his stance on this matter.

In response, the governor of Florida asserted that Trump abstained from presidential actions that were within his power but which he neglected to execute.

DeSantis noted that since leaving office, Trump has criticized a number of former administration employees despite having the authority to dismiss them.

It comes after Jeff Roe, the super PAC’s chief strategist and a supporter of DeSantis, resigned from his position with the organization over the weekend.

The subsequent significant occurrence in the 2024 primary election is the Republican debate, scheduled to transpire in New Hampshire on January 18th, under the hosting of ABC News.

The debate is taking place mere days prior to the Jan. 23 GOP primary and the Jan. 21 CNN debate, both of which are taking place at the same location.

[READ MORE: Top DeSantis Strategist Resigns]

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