
DeSantis Attacks McCarthy Over Red Wave

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Matt Johnson from Omaha, Nebraska, United States - IMG_3078, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=118460099]

On Tuesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) reportedly stepped up his criticism of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

On Fox Business Network, the presidential contender responded to McCarthy’s statements from Sunday, in which he claimed that former President Trump’s endorsement helped DeSantis win the governorship, by attacking the California Republican once more.

DeSantis compared the underperformance of the projected “red wave” during the 2022 midterm elections to Florida’s electoral triumph.

DeSantis again drew a comparison between McCarthy’s Congress and Florida’s debt situation.

“I ran 16 points better than Trump in Florida. I won the greatest victory that’s ever been won by a Republican in the history of governor’s races. We were supposed to have a red wave in 2022. That crashed and burned around the country. Florida, we did. We delivered them four additional Republican congressmen; that was instrumental in getting them the bare majority that they have.” DeSantis told Stuart Varney during an interview on Tuesday.

“Since Kevin’s been in Congress, they’ve added trillions and trillions of dollars to the debt, even when we had unified Republican government. Since I’ve been governor of Florida, we’ve actually paid down almost 25 percent of our total state debt. We’ve won budget surpluses every year. And we have the top-rated economy in the entire United States.” he continued.

DeSantis’ statement echoes his words from Monday’s news conference in Jacksonville, where he suggested McCarthy would have won the presidency without Trump and that both McCarthy and Trump were to blame for the national debt ballooning.

[READ MORE: Trump Tries to Attack DeSantis for Backing Pro-Life Law]

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