
DeSantis Blasts Newsom for Cowardice After California Governor Challenges Him to a Debate

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Office of the Governor of California - https://twitter.com/CAgovernor/status/1257724947260047362/photo/1, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=94043909]

Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, was reportedly slammed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for constantly attempting to boost his own national image by challenging DeSantis to a debate.

DeSantis said that Newsom needs to “stop pussyfooting around” and enter the presidential campaign.

“You know, it’s interesting. He’s got huge problems in his state. I mean, like, huge problems in his state.” DeSantis said.

“I mean, you see it in San Francisco, you see it in L.A., you see it in the people fleeing. California, from its inception, gained population every single year until he became governor. I mean, California was probably the height of opportunity for middle class Americans for many, many decades in this country. No one would leave there, you know, you would go, people were drawn to there, and yet, he’s the first governor that’s overseen a massive exodus out of California.” He continued.

DeSantis made the comments in response to a reporter’s question at a press conference on Wednesday about pro-Trump Fox News host Sean Hannity encouraging Newsom to debate DeSantis, even though he was aware that DeSantis had already played down the idea when Hannity interviewed the Florida governor the year prior.

DeSantis asserted that while people might understand why individuals who live in locations with poor weather could want to relocate to Florida, if you’re from Southern California and decide to move to Florida, it’s likely due to how terrible the Democrat-run state and municipal governments are there.

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