
DeSantis Signs New Bill Protecting Children from Drag Performers

1 min read
[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Ron DeSantis, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=121859425]

On Wednesday, Republican governor of Florida Ron DeSantis reportedly approved legislation that will penalize companies that let kids watch drag performances.

According to the Florida House of Representatives website, the “Protection of Children” measure was forwarded to the governor in April after passing the state Senate with a vote of 28 to 12 and the state House of Representatives with a vote of 82 to 32.

The new rule prohibits companies from allowing minors within drag performances conducted at their locations, and government organizations are empowered to penalize, suspend, or revoke the licenses of enterprises that break the ban.

Children were allegedly among the audience of a drag show with a Christmas theme that traveled through many Florida communities.

The artists performed sex activities and sang parodies of well-known Christmas tunes.

DeSantis also finalized the measure that forbids transgender children from receiving gender-affirming medical treatment.

“We are going to remain a refuge of sanity and a citadel of normalcy,” DeSantis announced during a signing ceremony on Wednesday.

The prohibition risky transgender surgeries, also known as Senate Bill 254, in Florida will prevent children from receiving hormone replacement treatment, surgeries, and puberty blockers. In addition, individuals identifying as

The gender-affirming health care prohibition known as Senate Bill 254 in Florida will prevent transgender kids from receiving hormone replacement treatment, surgeries, and puberty blockers.

According to the new law, which is in force right away, transgender individuals must overcome numerous extra legal obstacles before they may receive the procedures they desire care in Florida.

DeSantis said that transgender medical procedures are  only backed by a tiny group of ideologically driven individuals inside the medical field while addressing a crowd of supporters and conservative politicians.

[READ MORE: DeSantis Endorses Kelly Craft in Kentucky Governor’s Race]

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